This is what a revolution in the logistics sector looks like.

We are focussing on e-mobility and are competing for ‘central Germany’s electric mobility window’.

Nothing moves faster than our everyday lives. People and goods should be transported quickly and securely in future, but also efficiently, while saving on resources. That’s why we need new forms of mobility. This issue is extremely relevant for transport policy. That’s why the topic finds its way into the strategic orientation of our network. We want to play a leading role in shaping innovation, especially with respect to Thuringia’s exposed location for the logistics industry. In doing so, we don’t just define innovations as technical innovations that, for example, come from digitalisation or from new driving technology.

We also focus on new mobile approaches that have a sustainable environmental orientation, combining means of transport, and concepts that consider infrastructure and regional development in an integrated way.

MobilityPeople and goods should be transportedquickly and securely in future, but also efficiently, while saving on resources.more
Sustainabilityand E-MobilityFull roads and an increasing need for transport capacity are clear signs that something has to change.more
Recruiting & TrainingsThe Job Market Situationhas clearly changed and presents companies today with significantly greater challenges in terms of recruitment.more
E-CommerceThe central geographical locationand the well-developed infrastructure allow local companies to deliver to customers quickly and securely.more

A voice for the industry

To promote the economic development of Thuringia logistics.

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Digitalising the industryis one of the central leversfor development and at the same time, represents one of the most important challenges.more
Location marketingDue to its central locationand modern transport infrastructures, the Free State of Thuringia is a predestined location for distributing goods throughout Germany and Europe.more
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